The SmartCode Checker in VWO allows you to check whether the SmartCode is installed on the webpage(s) where you want your campaigns to run.
How to Access it?
After you register your website, VWO generates a unique SmartCode and a corresponding checker beneath it for each website entry.
You can access the SmartCode checker as follows:
- Navigate from the main menu > Configurations > Websites and Apps.
- Select your website entry under the Websites and Apps section.
In the Code tab, you’ll find your website’s SmartCode, with the Check if SmartCode is installed properly on your URL field located below it.
Using SmartCode Checker in VWO
Ensure that you have not installed Javascript blockers like uBlock ad-blocker with custom settings. If you have the uBlock plugin enabled on your browser, the VWO's network calls initiating via the server URL will be blocked. As a result, the Visual Editor, Heatmaps, SmartCode Checker, and the previews will not load.
To use all the above features, you must either disable the uBlock plugin or whitelist VWO tracking in uBlock, keeping the uBlock plugin enabled. Here’s how you can whitelist:
- Click on the uBlock icon in your browser and open the dashboard by clicking on the Settings icon.
Go to the My filters tab and add- @@||*^.
- Once done, click Apply changes. Now everything should work fine.
To verify if VWO SmartCode is installed on the URL, enter the URL in the Check if SmartCode is installed properly on your URL field and click Check.
How Does SmartCode Checker Work?
As soon you enter the URL in the SmartCode Checker field and click the Check button, the URL opens in a new tab, and VWO starts to detect if the SmartCode is installed.
As of now, the timeout interval to detect this is kept at 30 seconds, i.e., if the SmartCode gets executed before 30 seconds, the tab will close right away, and the success message will be displayed. If not, the tab will close after 30 seconds, and this could mean that either the SmartCode is not installed, or if it is, it did not execute within 30 seconds.
The SmartCode installation on your website is checked based on the following parameters:
1. If account_id Matches
Here, the account_id from which the SmartCode is installed on the URL corresponds to the one you are checking from. In such a scenario, a success message is displayed as “SmartCode is correctly installed at this URL.”
2. If account_id Doesn’t Match
Here, the account_id from which the SmartCode is installed on the URL doesn’t match the one you are checking from. In such a scenario, a message is displayed as “The SmartCode of a different account with ID: <id_value> is installed on the provided URL.”
3. If The Data is Not Received Within 30 Seconds
VWO typically waits for a maximum of 30 seconds to detect SmartCode's installation on the URL specified by you. If VWO cannot receive data from the URL in 30 seconds, the tab will get closed, and a message is displayed as: “We waited for 30 seconds but could not verify that the SmartCode is installed on <URL>. This could mean that the SmartCode is not installed, or if it is, it did not execute within 30 seconds.”
4. If URL redirected
VWO typically checks if the URL you entered in the SmartCode Checker field gets redirected to a different URL when opened in the new tab. There could be two possible situations here:
a. If the account_id matches
If the URL you entered redirects to a different webpage, and VWO detects that the account_id from which the SmartCode is installed on the redirected URL corresponds to the one you are checking from. In such a scenario, a success message is displayed as “You opened <URL1>, but it got redirected to <URL2>. VWO has verified that SmartCode is installed correctly on <URL2>”.
b. If the account_id doesn’t match
If the URL you entered redirects to a different webpage, and VWO detects that the account_id from which the SmartCode is installed on the redirected URL doesn’t match the one you are checking from. In such a scenario, a message is displayed as “You entered <URL1>, but it got redirected to <URL2>. The SmartCode of a different account with ID: <id-vlaue> is installed on the <URL2>”.
c. If VWO SmartCode is not found
If the URL you entered redirects to a different webpage and VWO SmartCode is not found on this page, then VWO will wait for a maximum of 30 seconds, and after this, the tab will get closed, and a message is displayed as: “You entered <URL1>, but it got redirected to <URL2>. We waited for 30 seconds but could not verify that the SmartCode is installed on <URL2>. This could mean that the SmartCode is not installed, or if it is, it did not execute within 30 seconds.”