VWO Engage (formerly PushCrew) has a subscription-based billing model which charges you based on the number of notification subscribers. We have monthly as well as annual plans. You can find all of our pricing plans here
Every paid plan has an upper limit on the number of subscribers that you can send notifications to.
Here’s an example of how our Growth plan of $99/month with 10000 subscribers would work :
A. You can send notifications to a maximum of 10000 subscribers
B. Your monthly payment to VWO Engage will be of $99
C. You will get access to all the features available on our Growth plan
D. If more than 10000 subscribers opt-in for your notifications, only the first 10000 subscribers will receive your notifications.
E. You will still be allowed to keep collecting subscribers, but they will only get your notifications once you upgrade. -
If you’re on an annual plan, please note that the subscriber quota that you have signed up for applies for the entire year and does not replenish every month.
Here’s an example of how our Growth Annual plan of $99/month (billed annually) with 10000 subscribers would work :
A. You will be charged $99/month x 12 months upfront
B. You will get all the features available on our Growth plan
C. Your subscriber quota for the entire year will be 10000 subscribers. It will not renew or replenish every month.
How will I receive my invoice?
You will receive your invoice on your registered email on the date your billing cycle is set to renew every month/quarter/year depending on your plan.
Where do I change my Credit Card details?
Should you need to change your Credit Card details, please send an email to support@pushcrew.com and we will send across a secure link where you can complete this.
How do I change my billing information?
Please send an email to support@pushcrew.com with the details that you’d like to change and we’ll take care of it :)
How do I upgrade/downgrade my pricing plan?
Please send an email to support@pushcrew.com/your Account Manager/your Customer Success Manager and we’ll be happy to help.
How do I cancel my VWO Engage subscription?
Please shoot an email to support@pushcrew.com asking us to cancel and if possible, with the reason to cancel too and we’ll do so immediately. We’ll be extremely sad to see you go though :(
How Does VWO Engage Work?
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