NOTE: We've introduced a new feature called Computed Events in VWO Data360, which allows you to effortlessly set up currency conversions within Events and track your website conversions in any currency.
Running your business globally involves transactions in multiple currencies. And, should your website be hosted on an e-commerce platform like Shopify, you would often run into a situation where your revenue conversions are not reflected in your preferred currency; instead, they remain in the currency native to the visitor who made the purchase. They are more likely to cause discrepancies in your conversion evaluation, skewing your analysis.
To mitigate this, you can append a small code (just above your revenue code) that automatically converts your revenue conversions to your default currency setting.
INFO: Refer to this article to learn how to implement the revenue tracking code for your campaigns.
If you’re using the US Dollar as your default currency, then the currency conversion code will look like this:
ATTENTION: The following code involves manually applying revenue conversion rates with respect to your default currency. Do update the rates appropriately to be current.
For Shopify
If you’re using Shopify to host your website, refer to the following example to know how to implement the currency conversion code along with the revenue conversion code:
NOTE: If you are using Shopify's VWO app for integration, you can refer to this article to set up code customization, which also includes configuring multi-currency conversion.