This article covers the following: |
About Adobe Data Collection
Adobe Data Collection helps businesses collect, manage, and distribute customer data across digital properties. It enables organizations to track user interactions on websites, mobile apps, and other digital touchpoints to drive insights and personalization. It also enables seamless data transmission to third-party tools. In this article, we’ll walk you through the process of collecting VWO data using Adobe Data Collection and transmitting it to Adobe Experience Platform.
By integrating VWO with Adobe Data Collection, you can capture VWO experiment and variation data in Adobe Data Collection and send it to Adobe Experience Platform for further analysis and personalization.
Integrate VWO Data into Adobe Experience Platform
For sending VWO campaign data to Adobe Data Collection, ensure:
- Adobe Data Collection JS library is present on the Campaign URL along with the VWO SmartCode.
- The Adobe Data Collection Integration is enabled for the campaign.
To push VWO event data into Adobe Experience Platform:
In Adobe Experience Platform:
Create a Data Type
Before configuring the Adobe Data Collection integration, you must set up Adobe Experience Platform to ensure compatibility and support. This includes creating a data type to store VWO data.
To create a data type:
- Log in to your Adobe Experience Platform account.
- Go to Data Model > Schemas > Data types.
- Click Create data type.
- Enter a suitable name and description for the data type. We recommend setting the name as VWO for easy identification.
In the VWO data type, create two fields to store experiment data. These fields capture the campaign name and variation name, which are later passed on to Adobe Experience Platform. To create a field, click the + icon next to the VWO data type. Configure the field details as follows:
- Field name: campaign_name
- Display name: Campaign Name
- Type: String
Similarly, create another field as follows:
- Field name: variation_name
- Display name: Variation Name
- Type: String
Once the fields are created, the VWO data type screen looks as follows:
- To add the VWO data type to the schema, go to Browse and select your default XDM Event Schema.
Click the + icon next to the event schema name, create a new field as shown below, and click Apply.
NOTE: Ensure the type you select for the new field is the same data type you created above.
- The new field is added to the schema. Click Save to activate the schema.
Configure Adobe Data Collection
The Adobe Data Collection setup involves three steps:
Install the Adobe Experience Platform SDK
Before configuring the Adobe Data Collection setup, it is assumed that the Adobe Experience Platform extension is installed in your account. For more information, see Install Adobe Experience Platform Web SDK tag extension.
Create a Data Element
When data is received from VWO, it is sent to the Adobe Experience Platform as an event. To ensure seamless data transmission, create a data element as follows:
- In Adobe Experience Platform, navigate to Adobe Data Collection > Tags.
- Select the custom web tag that tracks data for your website.
- From the left navigation panel, go to Data Elements > Add Data Element.
Configure the data element details as follows:
- Name: VWO Event
- Extension: Adobe Experience Platform Web SDK
- Data Element Type: XDM Object
- Sandbox: Select your sandbox environment
- Schema: Select your default web event schema
The VWO object is added. Click + to expand the object and configure further details. -
Enter the values for each property as follows:
Properties Value campaign_name %event.detail.exp_name% variation_name %event.detail.var_name%
ATTENTION: Add other mandatory values required for the Adobe Experience Platform event.
- Click Save.
Create a Rule
A rule is a set of conditions and actions that instruct your client-side tag (in this case, Adobe Data Collection) on when and what action to execute once the data is collected. For example, in this case, we define a rule with the condition that if the event contains VWO-specific data, it must be transmitted to the Adobe Experience Platform.
To create a new rule in Adobe Data Collection:
- Go to Rules > Add Rule.
In the Events section, click + to add an event. Configure the event details as follows:
- Extension: Core
- Event Type: Direct Call
- Name: Enter a suitable rule name.
- Identifier: VWO
- Click Save.
In the Actions section, click + to add an action. Configure the action details as follows:
- Extension: Adobe Experience Platform Web SDK
- Action Type: Send Event
In the Data section, configure the details as follows:
- Type: VWO
- Save the action and the rule.
- To activate all the changes, navigate to Publishing Flow and publish them.
To complete the integration setup, enable Adobe Data Collection integration in VWO.
Enable Adobe Data Collection Integration in VWO
- Log in to your VWO account.
- From the left panel of your VWO dashboard, navigate to Configurations > Integrations.
- Click on the Adobe Data Collection integration and enable it. Once done, the Adobe Data Collection screen within the Integrations page looks like this:
This enables the integration at the account level, ensuring they are applied by default to all future test campaigns. - To enable the Adobe Data Collection integration for your existing campaigns, select the campaign, go to Settings > Others, expand the Integrate with third-party products section, and select the Adobe Data Collection option.
Verify the Integration Setup
You can check if the integration setup is complete or troubleshoot the setup by verifying the network calls. To identify the data pushed from VWO to Adobe Data Collection, perform the following steps in your browser:
- Right-click on the page where your test campaign is running and select Inspect Element.
- In the Network tab, enter the term adobedc to filter the network calls for Adobe Data Collection. The network calls get populated as the page loads. You may reload the page to view the network calls.
- Examine the interact? calls payload. Select a network call to view further details.
Go to the Payload tab. Here you can find the data being pushed in the following format:
- eventType: vwo
- campaign_name: <campaign ID>:<campaign name>
- variation_name: <variation ID>:<variation name>
This indicates that the data is being transmitted from VWO to Adobe Data Collection.
Upon successfully setting up the integration, when a visitor is tracked in a live VWO campaign, their data is first sent to Adobe Data Collection. Once the rule detects VWO data in the event, it triggers an action of transmitting the data from Adobe Data Collection to Adobe Experience Manager.