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Currency setting in VWO is used to set the revenue symbol in revenue goal-related reports.
NOTE: At present, VWO does not perform currency conversion.
The timezone setting of VWO applies to all the campaigns and tests that exist in your account. Changing the timezone at the account level applies only to the main workspace and does not affect its additional workspaces. The additional workspaces follow their own timezone settings. This helps in a scenario where you have multiple clients spread across different geographical locations.
NOTE: When you change your account timezone, old reports will appear in their original timezones. Timezone change does not apply to old data/reports.
When you change the timezone, VWO report data for the account will be generated with the new timestamp. VWO does not make conversions to your local timezone.
- Log in to your VWO account.
- Click the gear icon ⚙ on the top right, and go to Accounts > General.
- To change the Currency or Timezone, go to the Locale Settings section.
- From the Currency Symbol dropdown, select the currency for your account. From the Timezone dropdown, select the timezone for your account.
NOTE: The default timezone in VWO is GMT. Also, we recommend you not to change the timezone while the tests are running. - Click Save.