By integrating VWO with the call tracking system of your organization, you can track the conversion rate of your inbound calls in VWO reports. Tracking your offline phone calls helps you connect your phone numbers with VWO tests and determine which variation gets you more calls.
Consider that you create a VWO test and display a different phone number on each variation of your test pages. Based on the number of calls you receive, you can determine which variation gets you the maximum phone conversions.
Follow these steps to set up a call tracking test in VWO:
Create an A/B test with the old primary number as the control and the new toll-free number as the variation. Make sure that the control and variations have the phone numbers you want to test.
Select the custom conversion goal for the test. Since the goal of the test is to track offline calls and the users do not perform any action on the webpage, select URL contains as the URL type and type test information (you can enter any information, for example, “call tracking test”).
Once you have created the test, configure the phone tracking system to send http requests to the VWO server for each call registered in the system. On receiving a request from the phone tracking system, VWO will record a conversion for every call and sends the http request to the VWO server in the following format:
random=<Enter Any Random Number Here>&offline=1
Campaign_ID: You can find the campaign ID by clicking the appropriate test on the dashboard. To check the campaign ID, go to Review > Configuration summary, and scroll down to the Other Information section.
account_id: Your VWO account ID. Click Review > Configuration summary, and scroll down to the VWO SmartCode section to check for account_id in the code.
goal_id: Custom conversion goal ID of the goal you created in step 2. Go to Review > Configuration summary, and scroll down to the Goals section to check for the goal_id.
combination: Keeps track of the webpage versions involved in the test. The value 1 is for control, 2 for variation1, 3 for variation2, and so on. To check the different versions involved, go to Review > Configuration summary, and scroll down to the Variations section.
- VWO_UUID: Refers to the UUID generated by VWO.
random: The number should be a randomly generated number for every call to avoid caching.
After you configure the phone tracking system, VWO tracks, and records all your inbound calls on the Reports page. You can analyze VWO reports data to determine the variation that gets you maximum conversions.
If your account is configured with a non-US data center, specify the ‘eu01’ (for EU) / 'as01' (for India) path prefix in the conversion call URL. Otherwise, the calls will get rejected.
For example,<Enter Any Random Number Here>&offline=1
Click here to learn more about the data residency for VWO.