Every user that clicks on ‘Allow’ and subscribes to notifications from your website is assigned a unique Subscriber ID.
There are 3 ways to determine the Subscriber ID of a visitor :
1. Using JS variable:
A. Right click on your website - go to Inspect - Console - type pushcrew.isAPIReady - press the Enter key
You should get a response ‘true’
B. Then type pushcrew.subscriberId - press the Enter key. You will now get the Subscriber ID
If you want to store this variable in your database using Javascript code, you can more details from this API documentation
2. Using Cookies :
For Chrome subscribers:
A. Right click on your website - go to Inspect - Application. Under Storage, expand the Cookies section - click on your website link
B. In the table that opens, under the ‘Name’ column you will find ‘wingify_push_subscriber_id’ The ‘Value’ of this is the Subscriber ID
For Firefox subscribers:
A. Right click on your website - go to Inspect Element - Storage. Under Cookies, click on your website link
B. In the table that opens, under the ‘Name’ column you will find ‘wingify_push_subscriber_id’ The ‘Value’ of this is the Subscriber ID
Using Cookies through Javascript :
You can also use Javascript code to fetch subscriber ID from Cookies. You can use the below Javascript to do so :
function getCookie(cname) {
var name = cname + "=";
var decodedCookie = decodeURIComponent(document.cookie);
var ca = decodedCookie.split(';');
for(var i = 0; i <ca.length; i++) {
var c = ca[i];
while (c.charAt(0) == ' ') {
c = c.substring(1);
if (c.indexOf(name) == 0) {
return c.substring(name.length, c.length);
return "";
3. Using Local Storage :
For Chrome subscribers:
A. Right click on your website - go to Inspect - Application. Under Storage, expand the Local Storage section - click on your website link
B. In the table that opens, under the ‘Name’ column you will find ‘wingify_push_subscriber_id’ The ‘Value’ of this is the Subscriber ID
For Firefox subscribers:
A. Right click on your website - go to Inspect Element - Storage. Under Local Storage, click on your website link
B. In the table that opens, under the ‘Name’ column you will find ‘wingify_push_subscriber_id’ The ‘Value’ of this is the Subscriber ID
Using Local Storage through Javascript :
You can also use Javascript code to fetch subscriber ID from Local Storage. You can use the below Javascript to do so :
Please note that there is no way to collect the email address or any personal details of subscribers.