In order to integrate VWO Engage (formerly PushCrew) on your Squarespace website page wise(i.e on specific pages) follow the steps mentioned below:
1. After selecting the theme for your website you will be able to see the following page on your Squarespace dashboard. Click on Settings present at the bottom of the screen.
2. Click on Advanced settings.
3. Kindly paste the SmartCode into the PAGE HEADER CODE INJECTION and Save.
In order to get the VWO Engage SmartCode kindly visit the following page on your VWO Engage dashboard link.
If the code is placed correctly you will be able to see the HTTP opt-in working for the page on which you have placed the SmartCode.
In order to get opt-in in all the pages of your Squarespace website Kindly follow the steps mentioned below:
1. Click on Settings from the left side of the Squarespace dashboard.
2. Click on Advanced from the options.
3. Click on Code Injection.
4. Paste the SmartCode under Header and click on Save.
5. If the code is placed correctly on the website you will be able to see the opt-in on all the pages of your website.