Integrating VWO with comScore allows you to push and monitor your VWO test data using comScore Digital Analytix. The end-to-end process of integrating comScore with VWO is a two-step process.
Adding Integration Code
For this integration, you must first add the VWO SmartCode snippet on the webpages where you want to track visitors.
You must add the comScore integration code snippet to the web pages in addition to the VWO SmartCode snippet.
Add the following code snippet to the pages where your tests are running.
<script type='text/javascript'>
var vwo_mvt_id, vwo_mvt_var; ?
try { ?
var _combination = _vis_opt_readCookie('_vis_opt_exp_' + _vis_opt_experiment_id + '_combi'); ?
if (typeof(_vwo_exp[_vis_opt_experiment_id].combination_chosen) != "undefined") ? _combination = _vwo_exp[_vis_opt_experiment_id].combination_chosen; ?
if (typeof(_vis_opt_comb_name[_combination]) != "undefined") ? vwo_mvt_id = _vis_opt_experiment_id; ? vwo_mvt_var = _vis_opt_comb_name[_combination]; ?
} ?
} ?
catch (err) {}
The vwo_mvt_id and vwo_mvt_var variables in the code snippet store Test ID and Variation name respectively.
Creating Custom Labels
Once you have added the code snippet to your test pages, create custom labels to add the variables (vwo_mvt_id and vwo_mvt_var) to the comScore Digital Analytix measurement URL. Add the following variables to each Digital Analytix measurement URL, using the following custom labels:
- ns_m_exp – Identifies the experiment
- ns_m_chs – Identifies the variation
Ensure that both the labels are added to each measurement for accurate reporting. Following are some examples:
For Measurement Domain”+ vwo_mvt_id + “&ns_m_chs=” + vwo_mvt_var+”
For Measurement Domain”+ vwo_mvt_id + “&ns_m_chs=” + vwo_mvt_var+”?