In this article, you’ll learn: |
About Marketo
Marketo is a marketing automation software provider that automates the process of communicating with your customers with a personalized touch for enhanced customer retention. By integrating VWO with Marketo, you can do the following:
- Push your VWO campaign-specific data to your Marketo account. This data can then be used to create different smart lists in Marketo.
- Sync smart lists from your Marketo account to be employed in your VWO campaigns for targeting returning visitors.
Exporting VWO Visitor Data to Marketo
By enabling the VWO-Marketo integration, you will be able to export the visitor-specific experiment data from VWO to create smart lists in Marketo.
Enabling VWO-Marketo Integration
To enable the VWO-Marketo integration in your VWO account, the following prerequisites must be met:
- You should possess an active Marketo account.
- The Marketo analytics code should be implemented on your webpage.
- Log in to your VWO account.
- From the left panel of your VWO dashboard, go to Configurations > Integrations, which provides integrations to be enabled at the workspace level.
- Click on the Marketo integration and enable it. Once done, the Marketo screen within the Integrations page looks like this:
By doing so, the integrations are applied to all the test campaigns in the future by default. If you wish to enable the Marketo integration for your existing campaigns, select the campaign, go to Settings > Others, expand the Integrate with third-party products section, and select the Marketo option.
Post enabling the integration, you can start sending your VWO experiment data to Marketo at the campaign level.
Specifications of VWO Experiment Data Sent to Marketo
The data from VWO is sent to Marketo as a "visitWebPage" event in the following format:
Url: /vwo-integration
Query Parameter: VWO-Test-ID-<Campaign_ID>-<Variation_ID>
Verifying the Integration Setup
You can check if the integration setup is complete or troubleshoot the setup by verifying the network calls to identify the data pushed from VWO to Marketo. To do so, perform the following steps:
- Right-click on the page where your test campaign is running and select Inspect Element.
- First, you need to verify if you have become part of the VWO campaign. To do so, go to Application > Cookies and search for “combi”. You should find the _vis_opt_exp_{CAMPAIGNID}_combi cookie that indicates that you are part of the VWO campaign.
- To verify if your campaign data is passed to Marketo, you need to check the network calls. To do so, search for “visitWebPage” under the Network tab to filter the network calls for Marketo.
- The network calls get populated as the page loads. You may reload the page to view the network calls.
- Select a network call to view further details.
- Go to the Request Payload section in the Payload tab, where you can find _mchRu: /vwo-integration and _mchQp: VWO-Test-ID-<Campaign_ID>-<Variation_ID>.
These indicate that the values are being pushed by VWO to Marketo.
Creating Marketo Smart List Using VWO Data
To view the VWO visitor data in your Marketo account, perform the following steps:
- Create a smart list in the Database dashboard.
- From the right pane under the SmartList tab, search for the VisitedWebPage filter. Drag and drop it under the SmartList tab.
- In the filter, enter “/vwo-integration” in the second field corresponding to WebPage: to fetch the <your domain>/vwo-integration option. Select the option.
- Click AddConstraint > Querystring. In the first field corresponding to Querystring:, select contains. In the second field corresponding to Querystring:, enter “VWO-Test-ID-<Campaign ID>-<Variation ID>”.
- Navigate to the People tab, where you can find the converted visitors.
Importing Marketo Data into VWO
Importing the lead data from Marketo can be done by syncing your Marketo smart lists in VWO. Upon doing so, you will be able to use the visitor data from the smart lists to target the visitors for your VWO campaigns.
Enabling VWO-Marketo Smart List Sync
In order to fetch the smart lists from your Marketo account to target visitors in your VWO campaigns, you need to create a custom hidden field for VWO with the name “vwo_uuid” and add it to all your forms in Marketo. VWO will fill this field with the UUID in the forms for each of the leads. The UUIDs enable VWO to track the leads when they are imported from Marketo.
ATTENTION: Syncing your Marketo smart lists in VWO requires your VWO account to be enabled with the attributes list feature.
To enable targeting your visitors using Marketo smart lists, perform the following steps:
- From the left panel of your VWO dashboard, go to Configurations > Integrations and click on the Marketo integration tile.
- In the Marketo integration page, navigate to the Config tab.
- In the Authentication Configuration section, provide the following information:
- Client ID - Enter the Client ID you created in your Marketo account to integrate with VWO.
- Client Secret - Enter the Client Secret corresponding to the Client ID you created in your Marketo account to integrate with VWO.
- Munchkin ID - Enter the Munchkin Account ID of your Marketo account. To view that, from your Marketo dashboard, go to Admin > Integrations > Munchkin.
INFO: To view the Client ID and Client Secret, from your Marketo dashboard, go to Admin > Integrations > Launch Point, select the custom service and click on View Details.NOTE: You can either use an existing API profile or create a separate one to integrate your Marketo account with VWO. But, it is important for the profile to have the following permissions assigned to it:- Access API > Read Only Assets
- Access API > Read Only Persons
- Access Database > Export Person
- Client ID - Enter the Client ID you created in your Marketo account to integrate with VWO.
- Now, you need to validate your credentials by clicking on the Test Connection button. This will check if VWO is able to connect to your Marketo account. On successful validation, click on Save to finalize the configuration.
- To add your Marketo smart lists to VWO, click on the Add Smart List. In the Add Smart List popup, enter the name of the smart list. The dropdown populates the list matching the string as you type. VWO syncs all the smart lists once every 24 hours. If required, you can sync them manually, as a whole, by clicking on the Sync All button. You can also sync the smart lists individually by clicking on the vertical ellipsis (⋮) > Sync.
- Post saving the credentials, VWO will take around 10 minutes to sync up with your Marketo account.
- The number of smart lists that you can add is subject to your Attributes List consumption quota. Further additions will only be possible upon replacing the existing ones. To delete an existing smart list, click on the vertical ellipsis (⋮) > Delete.
- The smart lists that you are syncing with VWO should be applied with the following filter condition: vwo_uuid:is not empty.
Using Marketo Data as Targeting Condition in VWO
To use the Marketo smart lists as a targeting condition in VWO, perform the following steps:
- Login to your VWO account.
- Using the Testing section, create a test campaign.
- In the URL(s) page, expand the More Options section and select the Enable campaign for a specific visitor group option.
- Go to the Custom segment and create a segment using the Marketo Smart List condition. You can use this to fetch the smart lists that you have synced in VWO from your Marketo account.
Here's an example of how you can put it to use. - To add multiple conditions, click Add condition. Also, you can define the logical relationship between the different conditions using the and/or operators and use brackets to organize the segment condition.
- Once done, click Save Segment.